Prosthetics and Orthotics Practitioners


A person who works in the field of prosthetics and orthotics is called a prosthetist. This person is responsible for the overall treatment of patients who require such devices. A prosthetist can also supervise the work of other healthcare personnel. The World Health Organization defines a prosthetist as a healthcare professional who specializes in this field.

Prosthetics and orthotics are devices that help patients recover movement and sensation. They are often custom-designed and fitted to an individual patient. Many of these devices are extremely sophisticated and can improve one's quality of life. A professional bionics companies Philadelphia  can provide guidance and assist the patient in choosing the best orthotic or prosthetic.

A graduate degree in prosthetics and orthotics is an excellent choice for those who want to pursue a career in this field. Students can earn their Master's degree at one of several accredited institutions in the United States. The Department of Orthotics and Prosthetics at ASU offers a specialized degree and is one of only thirteen institutions in the country to offer this degree program.

The MSPO program is a two-year graduate program that focuses on the evaluation of artificial limbs and the fabrication of orthopedic braces. Orthoses are designed to stabilize joints, normalize motion, and reduce stress on tissues. They also help replace missing muscle function and promote normal growth. Orthoses can be used on the trunk or head and can restore function in a variety of situations.

Occupational therapists can provide orthoses for patients who need them for mobility purposes. For example, a foot orthotic may be required for someone with scoliosis. Orthotics may also include bionic leg, braces and insoles. In addition to orthoses, prosthetics may include artificial limbs or other body parts.

The prosthetics and orthotics profession offers several career options for people interested in this field. They can work in private practice, rehabilitation facilities, or in the field of pediatrics. These careers are highly specialized and require advanced education and hands-on clinical training. They can work independently or in teams with other healthcare professionals.

While there are many different types of prosthetics and orthotics, the main difference is in the training of the individual who performs the services. A prosthetist is a tertiary qualified allied health professional who understands the physical limitations of patients. They are skilled in designing, fitting, and monitoring orthoses. They also provide therapy and educate about their services.

Prosthetic devices are often technologically advanced and provide the patient with the freedom to do many things that a person with amputation couldn't do before. Depending on the level of amputation, a prosthetic device may be the best option. Most prosthetic device users need these devices because of an injury, but other factors can also increase the risk of losing a limb.

Prosthetics and orthotics are essential tools for people with physical disabilities to live full and productive lives. They enable people with physical disabilities to participate in education, employment, and social life. Additionally, use of these devices can decrease the need for formal health care and long-term care. Without these tools, people with physical disabilities are often shut out of society and locked into a life of poverty. Read more info here:

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